Basic Subscription


Promote your single business on our directory website.
A basic subscription includes all essentials for your business listing to be discovered. All your contact details, navigation to your business, and custom categorization.

Check out the detailed features in the table below.

If you plan to add more businesses we recommend you check our other plans with an increased max number of added items.


Lowell Business directory is a website or database that lists small businesses within a specific industry or geographic area. It can provide information about the business, such as its contact information, products or services offered, and a brief description of the business.

Some small business directories may also include customer reviews, ratings, and photos of the business. They can be a useful tool for small business owners to increase their online visibility and connect with potential customers. They can also be a useful resource for consumers to find and research small businesses in their local area or specific industry. Many small business directories allow businesses to create a free listing or to pay for enhanced listing options, such as more prominent placement or additional features.

There are several benefits to subscribing to a business directory:

  1. Increased visibility In Lowell MA: By subscribing to a business directory, your company will be listed among other businesses in your industry, making it easier for potential customers to find you.
  2. Increased credibility: Being listed in a business directory can increase your company’s credibility and make it appear more established and professional.
  3. Improved search engine rankings: Many business directories are well-established and have high page ranks, which can improve your company’s search engine rankings when customers search for businesses in your industry.
  4. Cost-effective advertising: Subscribing to a business directory can be a cost-effective way to advertise your business, as it typically costs less than other forms of advertising such as television or print ads.
  5. Targeted marketing: Business directories often allow you to list specific information about your products and services, making it easier for potential customers to find businesses that meet their needs.
  6. Increased online presence: Having a listing in a business directory can help you establish a stronger online presence and make it easier for customers to find you through online searches.
  7. Networking opportunity: subscribing to a business directory also gives you an opportunity to connect with other businesses, which can lead to valuable networking opportunities and potential partnerships.

Additional information

Max number of businesses


Address & Contact Details

Yes, with contact form included


Categories & Location

Opening Hours


GPX Track or Route



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